Wholesale Central Delivery Product Returns

1.0 Purpose

To specify the circumstances in which a cannabis product or accessory purchased by a wholesale customer via central delivery may be accepted for return by the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) Cannabis Distribution Centre.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all cannabis products and accessories centrally distributed by the LDB and purchased by its wholesale customers, including BC Cannabis Stores, and private licensed or authorized cannabis retail stores.  

3.0 Policy

1. Sales of cannabis products or accessories by the LDB Cannabis Distribution Centre to wholesale customers are considered final, except in the case of a defective product, which must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • cannot be consumed due to a technical or packaging issue;
  • is not fit for use or consumption, for reasons including the presence of mold, fungus, or another foreign contaminant; or
  • is not fit for sale, for reasons including defects, mislabeling, missing excise stamps, or product damage.

2. For items eligible for return under this policy, the Customer Care Centre (CCC) will:

  • issue a return of merchandise authorization number;
  • authorize the item’s transport to the warehouse for evaluation; and
  • issue a credit to the wholesale customer.

3. Only return requests from the original wholesale customer will be processed, and any credits for eligible returns will only be applied to the account of the original wholesale customer.

4. Wholesale customer requests for return or credit will be accepted only if meeting the following criteria and reporting timeline:

  • Missing packing cases (ordered but not delivered to a wholesale customer) or mis-shipped packing cases (excess packing cases delivered in error to a wholesale customer) must be reported by the wholesale customer to the CCC within seven days of delivery to be eligible for return and credit, provided that:
    • for missing packing cases, credit will only be granted if the case count discrepancy is noted on the bill-of-lading; and
    • for mis-shipped packing cases, all items must be saleable to qualify for return.
  • Visibly defective products, where the defect can be discovered without opening the item, such as packaging damage, mislabeling, missing excise stamps or missing items from a packing case, must be reported by the wholesale customer to the CCC within 30 days of delivery to be eligible for return and credit.
  • Aged product, including items shipped to a wholesale customer less than one month before any best before or expiry date on the package, or dried flower, pre-roll, or edible products delivered to a wholesale customer on a date that is at least 12 months following any packaged-on date, must be reported by the wholesale customer to the CCC within 30 days of delivery to be eligible for return and credit.
  • Products with a concealed defect that can only be discovered by opening the package and attempting to use or consume it must be reported by the wholesale customer to the CCC within 90 days of delivery to be eligible for return and credit.
  • Defective vape, cartridge or battery products with a concealed product defect must be reported by the wholesale customer to the CCC within 180 days of delivery to be eligible for return and credit.
  • Recalled product shall be returned in accordance with the Cannabis Product Recall Policy.

5. Requests by wholesale customers seeking to return a defective product returned by a retail customer will be granted only if:

  • the retail customer returned the item to the wholesale customer within 15 days of retail purchase;
  • the wholesale customer provides copies of the retail purchase receipt and the retail refund/exchange receipt; and
  • the retail customer returns a minimum of 50% of the contents of the cannabis package to the wholesale customer, if already partially consumed.

6. Matters related to manufacturer warranties must be directed to the manufacturer, not the CCC.

7. Products that do not meet the return eligibility criteria are ineligible for return. This includes return requests based on factors including, but not limited to taste, moisture content, effect, burn characteristics, product weight (if within Health Canada tolerances), and/ or cultivation failure of cannabis seeds.

8. The LDB reserves the right to exercise its judgement related to any areas not clearly defined within this policy and to make exceptions as required for extenuating circumstances.

9. Returns requests and enquiries should be directed to the CCC at [email protected] or 1-833-420-2227.

4.0 References


Last updated January 2024